In the beginning.
The work shown here was produced between 1987 and 1998. Sizes range from six inches to seven feet. All of the work is made from earthenware clay and or a combination of mixed media, incorporating traditional glazed ceramic with fabric, wood and paint.

Blue swirl teapot thrown and altered earthenware teapot 1995

Dreaming 6'h x7'w x 6'd glazed earthenware tile in relief, mirror table, thrown teaset. 1987


Dreaming detail

Blue reclining figure 24"h x 48"w x 48"d glazed earthenware thrown tea set and handmade tiles set into a wooden frame 1987

Blue reclining detail 24"h x 48"w x 48"d glazed earthenware thrown teaset and handmade tiles set into a wooden frame 1987

Pink and lace teapot thrown and altered earthenware teapot 1995

Pink dreaming 8"h x 12"w x 6d" thrown earthenware cup, fabric, wire, paint 1987